Try it for free!
Live Inbox is completely free to try for 15 days (and just $39.95 to keep thereafter). Download the free trial here or take a look at the versions available.
Live Inbox currently runs on Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Vista (32/64 bit), Windows 7, Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit) with Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Office 365 Desktop, and Office Home Use Program (32/64 bit). It also requires Microsoft's .Net Framework version 4.
If you don't have Microsoft's .Net Framework on your computer, the installer will not proceed until you install the framework.
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Who? What? When?Live Inbox takes the effort out of organizing, searching, and navigating your email. It automatically organizes messages, attachments and shared contacts in a people-centric manner. |
"Unsearch"Why search when you can "unsearch"?! Live Inbox automatically provides a contextual list of all the related emails, contacts and attachments for each mail message or contact that you focus on eliminating the need to manually search for related content in most cases. If you do need to search, Live Inbox can build a list of search results for a single keyword 50 times faster than Outlook and automatically categorizes results. |
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Automatic address bookLive Inbox creates profiles for anyone you've ever emailed and includes their updates from LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter (so you know what they're up to) and all the emails and files you've exchanged with that person - all ranked in the order of importance as implied by your email patterns. Live Inbox leverages the rich relationship data that already exists in your inbox to turn it into your biggest and most important social network - all of this without you having to type in a single entry. |
One-click filtersWhere is that proposal that John Doe sent me last month? Try searching for that in Outlook - with Live Inbox's contextual filters, this attachment is one click away. No more searching for needles in your haystack. Powerful in-line filter options enable you to use a single click to further narrow down results to answer questions like ""Where is the last Word document that I received from Bill Gates?" or "Who all were on the cc list in that mail that Steve Jobs sent me"? |
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E-mail analyticsLive Inbox enables you to analyze your mail traffic to help surface statistics such as when is the best time to send an email to a certain contact. |
No conflictsUnlike other plugins that don't play well with Outlook and cause conflicts with other installed plugins, Live Inbox works unobstrusively in the background without affecting system performance. See a detailed comparison here. |
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